Lone Star Lyric
Opera Cabaret Broadway
Support LSL
LSL is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
For more information, contact LSL: Kelli@LoneStarLyric.org or 917.414.9577

As we look forward to another fantastic season, I want to thank you for your support though the years! Lone Star Lyric continues to be a proud member of Houston’s vibrant arts community and, as we begin our 19th season, you can count on us to be Houston’s premier summer presenter of lyric theater and its finest year-round presenter of cabaret performances of the Great American Songbook. We have an outstanding finale in store for you and I am writing to ask you to consider making a gift to LSL’s Annual Fund.
A gift in any amount will earn you a place on LSL’s “donor wall”, proudly displayed in every LSL program and on the LSL website. But for a gift of $2500, you’ll get a pair of complimentary tickets to two shows of your choice, I’ll be thanking you from the stage, and you can join me for a special dinner to talk shop!
Since 2006, LSL has produced countless chamber operas and musicals, commissioned 12 new operas, and innumerous NY-style jazz cabaret concerts. All of this during a time when more than eight theatrical organizations have opened and closed their doors. LSL is still going and growing steadily. I attribute this success to the talented artists on and off stage, our loyal audiences and dedicated artistic staff who make it all happen. I have two goals every year: 1) produce innovative, high-quality lyric theater by showcasing the overflowing Houston-based talent pool and 2) entertain our audiences mercilessly. All the rest will follow.
Your generous support will help LSL continue providing its diverse lyric theater experiences while proudly featuring Houston’s finest opera and theater performers, singers, musicians and theater professionals for years to come.
Thank you for your support!
Kelli Estes
Artistic Director/Co-Founder
(Please use the DONATE button above)
• Full Scholarship - $550
• Half Scholarship - $275
• Any Amount
Please make checks payable to:
LSL is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
For more information, contact LSL: Kelli@LoneStarLyric.org or 917.414.9577